Chair’s Report 2021-2022

Chair’s Report 2021-2022
The Parish Council continues to serve, support and represent the people of Coniston and
this annual report highlights the work that has been undertaken. In the last year our
community has had to deal with another year of disruption with COVID-19; this has affected
our local businesses and personally impacted on a number of families.
A significant event that impacted on the village was Storm Arwen, most of us being without
power for a number of days. This is when Coniston comes into its own and the community
pulled together to support each other and ensure our most vulnerable residents were kept
safe. Special thanks to the Sports and Social club for providing a community hub, Coniston
Mountain Rescue and our local Fire Service for the coordination of resources and all the
local businesses who donated food and supplies. Emergency Planning for future events is a
priority and with Climate Change the risk of these occurring is increasingly likely.
A major project for the Parish Council has been the renovation of the Bridge Toilets. It was a
long considered decision to decide to charge a fee for the use of the toilets as we had been
proud to provide the facility free for previous years. This refurbishment wouldn’t have been
possible had it not been for generous donations from the Rawdon Smith Trust and the
Coniston 14. The toilets are funded from the precept gathered from the council tax we all
pay, and we calculated that it was costing each household in the parish £8 per year to keep
them open for free. With the significant increase in the cost of living we wanted to put that
money to better use within our community and it is hoped we can reduce the money we
gather from the precept in future years, saving everyone money in these difficult times.
The Parish Council wants to ensure that it listens to its community and inform you of what is
happening in our area. Over the last year we have launched a new website that will contain
details of local events, link people visiting the area with our local businesses and provide a
direct line of communication to the council. Please visit it at
In the next year we will be preparing for the impact of the Local Government Review and the
creation of the new Unitary Authority of Furness and Westmorland. South Lakeland District
Council and Cumbria County Council are in their last year of existence and we will ensure
that the Parish Council remains a strong voice for the community of Coniston as the first tier
of local government.
I personally would like to thank all the councillors that represent Coniston so well, voluntarily
giving up there time to support their local community. A special thanks to our Parish Clerk
Michael Dearnley who goes over and above his responsibilities to ensure the smooth
running of the council.
There are so many people in Coniston that deserve thanks, they run clubs and societies,
raise money for great causes and put on fantastic events – too many to mention personally,
but thank you, your work does not go unnoticed. I would encourage everyone to get
involved with these organisations, it helps to keep them alive and supports a diverse range
of activities.
Coniston is a special place to call home, and I am extremely proud to be able to represent
the community as Chair of the Parish Council. I look forward to the year ahead, building on
the strength of the community we have.
Tracy Coward
Chair – Coniston Parish Council

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